Sunday, April 10, 2011

Thoughts on Class 4/7/11

I wanted to comment on Jaheem's response about different ways of learning, I think there are various ways in which people learn. Whether it be a problem with memorizing text, and that person learns better by hands on, there are different ways in which students can be taught, and different ways they can learn. For instance, someone who may have a short attention span may fare better by participating more and doing more hands on things that will keep them constantly involved with class. Coming from a person that's been in the teaching program at Hobart, it is important for teachers to learn from their students so they know how to approach the situation.

1 comment:

  1. I confess that it wasn't clear to me how the discussion of learning styles fit with the discussion of ADHD. Bifo's point regarding psychopharmaceuticals is that capitalism today relies on brains and so brains have to be functionalized for capitalism. Understood from that direction, appreciation for different learning styles is another way for capitalism to find ways to capture and employ different kinds of brains. In fact, there is quite a lot of literature on knowledge workers, team building, motivating different sorts of workers, deploying different kinds of skill sets. From the perspective of contemporary capitalism, students need to be able to work in groups, work out problems for themselves, "think outside the box," produce high quality projects in a short amount of time. Capitalism doesn't need or expect people simply to follow orders. So what might have been transgressive at one point in time (30 or 40 years ago) isn't anymore.
